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Poméranie GPS tracks

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EuroVelo 10 - part Germany

Allemagne > Schleswig-Holstein > Lübeck

Distance: 23.4 Km • Elevation gain: 87 m • Maximum elevation: 32 m

01: Gdańsk , Pologne – Leszkowy (Under development)

Pologne > Poméranie > Dantzig

Under development

Distance: 36.2 Km • Elevation gain: 22 m • Maximum elevation: 13 m

01: Rostock – Wismar (Developed)

Allemagne > Mecklembourg-Poméranie-Occidentale > Rostock


Distance: 71.2 Km • Elevation gain: 251 m • Maximum elevation: 54 m


Allemagne > Berlin

Distance: 267.3 Km • Elevation gain: 1,337 m • Maximum elevation: 90 m