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Pembrokeshire GPS tracks

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Walk in the forest

United Kingdom > Wales > Pembrokeshire > Narberth

Distance: 1.0 Km • Elevation gain: 9 m • Maximum elevation: 23 m

01: Fishguard – Haverfordwest (DEVELOPED_WITH_SIGNS)

Royaume-Uni > Pays de Galles > Pembrokeshire > Goodwick


Distance: 63.5 Km • Elevation gain: 995 m • Maximum elevation: 127 m

01: Fishguard – Haverfordwest (Developed with signs)

Royaume-Uni > Pays de Galles > Pembrokeshire > Fishguard

Developed with signs

Distance: 84.5 Km • Elevation gain: 1,166 m • Maximum elevation: 126 m